Georgia Log Homes

Ray Charles famously sang “Georgia on My Mind,” a song about the state of Georgia originally written by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell in 1930. Born in Georgia, Ray Charles’ singing describes a Georgian’s love for his state, which became the official state song in 1979. Ray Charles understood the greatness of Georgia. With its rich history, beautiful scenery, and bustling cities, Georgia is a great place to visit and live. That holds no truer than when it comes to owning a Georgia log home.

With vast areas of nature like the Blue Ridge Mountains, having a log cabin makes sense. However, with the Georgia climate sometimes being pleasant and then hot, humid, and wet the next, taking care of your log home year round is very important. This is where Jaworski Coatings comes into play. We offer log cabin repair, maintenance, restoration, and finishes to keep your log cabin beautiful and habitable year round.

At Jaworski Coatings, we take pride in using the highest quality products while providing a service that is affordable. We know that over time, gaps and holes can appear in your log cabin due to wear and tear. We also know that the weather can take a toll on the look of the cabin, rotting the wood if not properly cared for.

We take every step possible to fix your issue before it becomes a more expensive and bigger problem, to repair your damage if it has gotten too porous to fix, or to restore or refinish your entire cabin.

We offer free consultations to understand the nature of your concerns. We offer a quote, flexible payment options, and answer any questions you may have. Our friendly and experienced team will work to complete the project in a timely manner while keeping you current on the state of the project. We know you want to get back to your cabin to enjoy relaxing in nature. Contact us today to see how we can get you singing about how you have Georgia on your mind again!