5 Ideas for Making Your Log Cabin Home Feel Cozy
When you think about feeling cozy, what comes to mind? Is it sitting by a fireplace with a glass of wine? Is it sitting in a recliner reading a good book? Is it lying under the sheets of the bed just enjoying the sun come in through the window? Cozy has a different meaning for everyone. Some people, for example, find large spaces cozy. Yet, others prefer tight spaces with lots of stuff cozy. How you make your log cabin home feel cozy can range depending on your definition of cozy. But, we had some ideas that are universal that we think everyone can use to make their log cabin home as comfortable as possible.
The Rugs
A rug can make any room feel cozy. The thought of walking barefoot on the right rug can conjure up homely images. Choosing the right rug for your space can take some consideration. However, it is worth the time. Imagine spending time laying on a rug with the dogs to relax, or playing with the children. Perhaps you like to read lying on the rug, or the idea of a rug that matches the decor and makes the room feel warm is what does it for you. Anyway you look at it, the rugs you choose can make your log cabin home feel cozy.
The Smell
Scent can do wonders for your well-being. It can make you feel relaxed, enhance your mood, or make you feel warm and fuzzy. Thus, you want to consider the scents in your log cabin home to make you feel at home. For some that could be using sandalwood hand soaps. For others it may be the smell of fresh laundry or a certain potpourri scent. Some prefer no scent and use anti-odor remedies. Others like the smell of nature around the cabin. Whatever smell it is that makes you feel cozy, use it in your log cabin.
After coming home from a long day of activities, you may just want to plop down in a cushy recliner and relax. Or, you may prefer a plush bed that you can spend ample time in with your dog or partner. Some people just want a nice sofa to sink into. Yet, others prefer wooden rockers and swings on the porch. Your furniture can make your home feel that much cozier depending on what you like. Be sure to choose the best furniture that will make you feel the most comfortable in your log cabin home.
There is nothing more iconic when it comes to log cabin home imagery than a fire going while snow is falling outside. The smoke emanates from the chimney while the crackle of the wood inside gives off a warmth like no other. Having a fireplace, whether you use it or not, can give your log cabin home that ultimate feeling of comfort and coziness. In fact, anything that creates that cozy feel, such as a coal stove, can have the same effect. Plus, you may even decide to have a bonfire outside too to get that cozy feeling a fire brings.
The Little Things
Cozy can simply be a state of mind based on memories. In this case, it could be little things that make you feel cozy. It may be that image from your favorite artist that brings you instant comfort. It could be some plants that make you feel at ease. Perhaps it is your family pictures that make you feel comfortable and cozy knowing you have warm fuzzy memories of good times. Or, it may just be the personal time with loved ones in the cabin that puts you completely at ease. There are so many little things that can make you feel comfortable in your log cabin home, and it may not take much to make this happen.
We want you to feel cozy in your log cabin home. We know the time you spend there is special, and we want you to enjoy it and feel comfortable. That is why we offer inspections, refinishing services, and repair and maintenance service. We want to ensure your log cabin home is well cared for, which makes it feel cozy too. Contact us today to see how we can help make your home cozy or so we can give you some ideas on how to do so yourself.